resident evil director cut walkthrough


This guide is for both Jill & Chris.

Your first objective is to find some clues. After speaking to Barry go
to the far door and go through it. You should now meet your first zombie
so arm your gun(or knife if you`re feeling a bit handy) and shoot it down.
After a few shots it will fall down, but it isn`t dead so aim down and blast
it to make it stand up again and then shoot it some more. The body is Kenneths
, this is the first clue. Collect the clips and go back to talk to Barry.
Barry will still be where you spoke to him(still `examining` the blood).
A zombie will now burst in and Barry will take care of it automatically. Now
go to the Main Hall. Barry will now give you a lock pick and tell you where
to go next, so go through the blue doors. In this room are 2 moveable objects
(a desk and some steps), move the steps next to the statue and collect the
map, now move the desk away from the door and enter. Inside there is a zombie
on the floor, you can either shoot him on the floor or have some fun and boot
his head off(Chris crushes his head), collect the ribbon on the shelf and......


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